Négociateurs d'Europe : Bibliothèque

Vous trouverez ici un ensemble de références bibliographiques sur les négociations de l’UE organisées en fonction du domaine politique :

Analyse de négociation : les fondamentaux

  • Breslin J. W. and Jeffrey Z. Rubin (1991) eds., Negotiation Theory and Practice. Cambridge, MA:Program on Negotiation Books
  • Bazerman, M.H., Neale, M.A. (1992) “Negotiating Rationally”, New York: The Free Press.
  • Fisher, R. and Ury, W. (1981) “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In”, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  •  Hopmann, P.T. (1995) “Two Paradigms of Negotiation: Bargaining and Problem Solving”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 542: 24-47.
  •  Hopmann P. T. (1996) The Negotiation Process and the Resolution of International Conflicts, Columbia: South Carolina Press
  •  Jönsson, C. (2002) “Diplomacy, Bargaining, and Negotiation”, in W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse, and B. A. Simmons (eds.) Handbook of International Relations, London: Sage Publications, pp. 212-34.
  • Keough, C.M. (1992) “Bargaining Arguments and Argumentative Bargainers”, in 24 L.L. Putnam and M. E. Roloff (eds.) Communication and Negotiation, Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, pp. 109-27.
  • Kremenyuk V. A. (2002) ed., International Negotiation: Analysis, Approaches, Issues. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers
  •  Lax, D.A. and Sebenius, J.K. (1986) “The Manager as Negotiator: Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain”, New York: The Free Press.
  •  Odell, J. (2009) “Three islands of knowledge about negotiation in international organization”, UCD, Dublin European Institute Working Paper 09-01, May.
  •  Pruitt, D.G. (1981) Negotiation Behavior, New York: Academic Press, Inc.
  •  Raiffa, H. (1982) “The Art and Science of Negotiation”, Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press.
  •  Schelling, T. (1960) “The Strategy of Conflict”, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  •  Starkey B. , Boyer M. and J. Wilkenfeld (2005) Negotiating a Complex World: An Introduction to International Negotiation, 2nd edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
  •  Zartman, I.W. and Berman, M.R. (1982) “The Practical Negotiator”, New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.

Réforme du Traité de Lisbonne et négociations législatives

  • Arregui , J. Thomson, R. (2009) “States’ bargaining success in the European Union” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 16, Issue 5, 2009, pp. 655 – 676.
  • Arregui, J. (2008) “Shifting policy positions in the European Union”, European Journal of Political Research, Volume 47, Number 6, October 2008 , pp. 852-875(24), Blackwell Publishing.
  • Beach, D. (2007) “The European Parliament in the 2000 IGC and the Constitutional Treaty negotiations: from loser to winner” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 14, Issue 8, 2007, pp. 1271 – 1292.
  • Beach, D. (2005) “The dynamics of European integration : why and when EU institutions matter”. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Beach, D. (2004)  “The unseen hand in treaty reform negotiations: The Role and Influence of the Council Secretariat.” Journal of European Public Policy 11(3): 408-439.
  • Benedetto, G. (2005) “Rapporteurs as Legislative Entrepreneurs: The Dynamics of the Codecision Procedure in Europe’s Parliament” Journal of European Public Policy, 12 (1), 2005, p. 67-88.
  • Beyers, J., Dierickx, G. (1997) “Nationality and European Negotiations: The Working Groups of The Council of Ministers”, European Journal of International Relations, Dec 1997; vol. 3: pp. 435 – 471.
  • Bjurulf, B., Elgström, O. (2004) “Negotiating Transparency: The Role of Institutions” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2, June 2004, pp. 249-269.
  • Börzel, T. (2010) “European Governance: Negotiation and Competition in the Shadow of Hierarchy” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 48, Issue 2, March 2010, pp. 191-219.
  • Bostock, D. (2002) “Coreper Revisited”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 40, Issue 2, June 2002, pp. 215-234.
  • Bourgeois, I. (2007) « Présidence allemande de l’UE : convaincre et rassembler » Regards sur l’économie allemande 2007/1 (n° 80).
  • Burns, C. (2006) “Co-decision and Inter-Committee Conflict in the European Parliament Post-Amsterdam” Government and Opposition, Volume 41, Number 2, Spring 2006 , pp. 230-248(19) Blackwell Publishing.
  • Burns, C. (2003) “Codecision and the European Commission : a study of declining influence ?” Journal of European Public Policy, (2004-02) vol.11: n°1, p.1-18.
  • Cahiers de la fonction publique et de l’administration (1992), suite d’articles, « Les secrets de la négociation communautaire » (101), avr. 92 : p. 4-13.
  • Costa, O. (2004) « La contribution de la composante “ Parlement européen ” aux négociations de la convention » Politique européenne 2004/2 (n°13) pages 21 à 41.
  • da Conceição-Heldt, E. (2006) “Integrative and Distributive Bargaining Situations in the European Union: What Difference Does It Make?” Negotiation Journal, Volume 22, Number 2, April 2006, pp. 145-165(21) Blackwell Publishing.
  • de Maillard, .J,  Smith, A. (2007) « Les administrations répressives françaises et l’Union européenne : adaptations, concurrences et ancrages nationaux » Politique européenne 2007/3 (n° 23) pages 17 à 35.
  • Demortain, D. (2005) « Le lobbying à Bruxelles, ou la politisation comme métier (observation) » Terrains & travaux 2005/1,  n° 8 ,  pages 34 à 52.
  • Eiselt, I., Slominski, P. (2006) “Sub-Constitutional Engineering: Negotiation, Content, and Legal Value of Interinstitutional Agreements in the EUSource: European Law Journal, Volume 12, Number 2, March 2006 , pp. 209-225(17), Blackwell Publishing.
  • Elgström, O., Jönsson, C. (2000) “Negotiation in the European Union: bargaining or problem-solving?”, Journal of European Public Polic, 1466-4429, Volume 7, Issue 5, 2000, pp. 684 – 704.
  • Elgström, O., Smith, M. (2000) “Negotiation and policy making in the European Union.” Journal of European Public Policy vol.7: n°5. pp 673-822.
  • Elgström, O. (1994) “National Culture and International Negotiations” Cooperation and Conflict 1994; 29, pp. 289-301.
  • Farrell, H., Héritier, A. (2007) “Introduction: Contested competences in the European Union West European Politics, Volume 30, Number 2, March 2007 , pp. 227-243(17), Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Farrell, H., Héritier, A. (2004) “Interorganizational Negotiation and Intraorganizational Power in Shared Decision Making: Early Agreements Under Codecision and Their Impact on the European Parliament and Council” Comparative Political Studies, Dec 2004; vol. 37: pp. 1184 – 1212.
  • Farrell, H., Héritier, A. (2003) “The Invisible Transformation of Codecision: Problems of Democratic Legitimacy”, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, No. 7.
  • Farrell, H., Héritier, A. (2003b) “Formal and Informal Institutions Under Codecision: Continuous Constitution-Building in Europe” Governance, 16(4): 577-600.
  • Forster, A. (1998) « Britain and the negotiation of the Maastricht Treaty : a critique of liberal intergovernmentalism », Journal of Common Market Studies, (1998-09) vol.36: n°3, p.347-368.
  • Gauthier, F. (2003) « Gabriel BONNOT DE Mably, Principes des négociations pour servir d’introduction au droit public de l’Europe » Annales historiques de la Révolution française 2003/3 (n° 333).
  • Garman, J., Hilditch, L. (1998) “Behind the Scenes: An Examination of the Importance of Informal Processes at Work in Conciliation”, Journal of European Public Policy 5(2): 271–84.
  • Golub, J. (1999)”In the Shadow of the Vote? Decision Making in the European Community” International Organization, 53(4), 733-764.
  • Gower, J. (2007) “Leadership and Negotiation in the European Union – By J. Tallberg” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 2, June 2007, pp. 532-533.
  • Gozi, S. (1994) « La comitologie : négociation et médiation dans l’Union Européenne », mémoire de DEA dirigé par Christian Lequesne, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.
  • Gray, M., Stubb, A. (2001) ”Keynote Article: The Treaty of Nice – Negotiating a Poisoned Chalice?” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 39, Issue 0, September 2001, pp: 5-23.
  • Grin, G. (2008) « Jean Monnet, le Comité d’action pour les États-Unis d’Europe et la genèse des traités de Rome » Relations internationales 2008/4 (n° 136) pages 21 à 32.
  • Häge, F., Kaeding, M. (2008) “Reconsidering the European Parliament’s Legislative Power: Formal vs. Informal Procedures” Department of Public Administration and Department of Economics, Leiden University.
  • Hix, S., Noury, A., Roland, G. (2006) “Dimensions of Politics in the European Parliament”, American Journal of Political Science 50(2): 494–511.
  • Hix, S. (2002) “Constitutional agenda-setting through discretion in rule interpretation: why the European Parliament won at Amsterdam” British Journal of Political Science 32, pp.259–280.
  • Hörl, B., Warntjen, A., Wonka, A. (2005) “Built on Quicksand? A Decade of Procedural Spatial Models on EU Legislative Decision-Making” Journal of European Public Policy, 12(3), 592-606.
  • Hoyland, B. (2006) “A Second Look at Roll Call Voting in the European Parliament”, paper presented at the meeting of the European Legislative Politics Research Group, 20–21 October, Uppsala.
  • Jabko, N. (2005) « La France face à la Constitution européenne : un héritage mal assumé » Critique internationale 2005/4 (no 29) pages 135 à 151.
  • Jabko, N. (2005) « Comment la France définit ses intérêts dans l’Union européenne » Revue française de science politique 2005/2 (Vol. 55) pages 221 à 242.
  • Jönsson, C., Elgström, O., et al. (2002)”Negotiations in networks in the European Union.” International Negotiations 7: 319-434.
  • Josselin, J., Marciano, A. (2002) « Les relations de mandat dans les systèmes constitutionnels. Approche théorique et application au cas européen », Revue d’économie politique 2002/6 (Volume 112), pages 921 à 942.
  • Jacobs, F. (1997)”Legislative Co-decision: A real step forward”, Paper presented at the ECSA conference.
  • Kaeding, M. (2004) “Rapporteurship Allocation in the European Parliament. Information or Distribution” European Union Politics, 5(3), 355-373.
  • Kasak, C. (2004) “The Legislative Impact of the European Parliament under the Revised Co-Decision Procedure” European Union Politics, 5(2), 241-260.
  • König, T., Lindberg, B., Lechner, S. Pohlmeier, W. (2007) “Bicameral Conflict Resolution in the European Union. An Empirical Analysis of Conciliation Committee Bargains’, British Journal of Political Science 37(2): 281–312.
  • Kreppel, A. (2002) “Moving Beyond Procedure. An Empirical Analysis of European Parliament Legislative Influence” Comparative Political Studies, 35(7), 784-813.
  • Kreppel, A. (1999) “What Affects the European Parliament’s Legislative Influence? An Analysis of the Success of EP Amendments” Journal of Common Market Studies, 37(3), 521-538.
  • Konig, T., Slapin, J. (2004) “Bringing Parliaments Back in: The Sources of Power in the European Treaty Negotiations” Journal of Theoretical Politics, Jul 2004; vol. 16: pp. 357 – 394.
  • Lempereur, A., Colson, A. (2008) « Négociations européennes : d’Henri IV à l’Europe des 27 », Paris : A2C Médias, impr. 2008.
  • Lenz, H., Dorussen, H., Ward, H. (2007) “Public commitment strategies in intergovernmental negotiations on the EU Constitutional Treaty”, The Review of International Organizations, Volume 2, Number 2, June 2007 , pp. 131-152(22), Springer.
  • Lewis, J. (2000) “The methods of community in EU decision-making and administrative rivalry in the Council’s infrastructure” Journal of European Public Policy 7, pp. 261–289.
  • Magnette, P. (2004) « La convention européenne : argumenter et négocier dans une assemblée constituante multinationale » Revue française de science politique 2004/1 (Vol. 54) p. 5-42.
  • Meerts P.W. and Cede, F. (2004) Negotiating European Union, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York, N.Y., Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Menon, A. (2001) « L’administration française à Bruxelles » Revue française de science politique 2001/5 (Vol. 51) p. 763-786.
  • Metcalfe, D. (1998). “Leadership in European Union Negotiations: The Presidency of the Council.” International Negotiation 3: 413-434.
  • Metcalfe, L., Metcalfe, D. (2002) “Les outils de la bonne gouvernance: évaluation de l’analyse de la négociation multipartite”, Revue internationale des sciences administratives, 2002-06, vol.68 : n°2, pp 309-332.
  • Morel, C. (2009) « La négociation intra-organisationnelle » Négociations 2009/2 (n° 12) pages 183 à 193.
  • Nay, O. (2002) « La négociation en régime d’incertitude. Une comparaison des partenariats publics régionaux dans la mise en œuvre de la politique européenne (i) » Revue internationale de politique comparée 2002/3 (Volume 9) pages 409 à 425.
  • Navarro, J. (2009) “Les rôles au parlement européen. Une typologie des pratiques de représentation” Revue française de science politique, vol. 59, n°3 juin, p. 479-506.
  • Neuhold, C. (2001) “The ‘Legislative Backbone’ keeping the Institution upright? The Role of European Parliament Committees in the EU Policy-Making Process”, European Integration Online Papers, 5 (10).
  • Parga, A. (2006) “The European Constitution. Its Origins, Negotiation and Meaning by Guy Milton and Jacques Keller-Noëllet with Agnieszka Bartol-Saurel Modern Law Review, Volume 69, Number 5, September 2006 , pp. 865-866(2), Blackwell Publishing.
  • Pfetsch, F. (1998) “Negociating the European Union” International Negotiation, vol.3: n°3, pp 289-514.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2008) « The EU Conciliation Committee: One or several Principals?” European Union Politics, 9(1), p. 88-112.
  • Rassmussen, A., Shackleton, M. (2005) “The scope for action of European Parliament negotiators in the legislative process: lessons of the past and for the future” Paper prepared for the Ninth Biennial International Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Austin, Texas, March 31-April 2.
  • Raunio, T., Shackleton, M. (2003) “Co-decision since Amsterdam: a laboratory for institutional innovation and change”, Journal of European Public Policy, 10(2):171-188.
  • Saam, N., Sumpter, D. (2009) “Peer selection in EU intergovernmental negotiations” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2009, pp. 356 – 377.
  • Shackleton, M., Raunio, T. (2003) “Codecision since Amsterdam: a laboratory for institutional innovation and change” Journal of European Public Policy, 10(2), 171-187.
  • Shackleton, M. (2001) “Codecision since Amsterdam: A Laboratory for Institutional Innovation and Change” Paper presented at ECSA Seventh Biennial International Conference,Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Shackleton, M. (2000) “The Politics of Codecision”, Journal of Common Market Studies 38(2): 325–42.
  • Settembri, P., Neuhold, C. (2009) “Achieving Consensus Through Committees: Does the European Parliament Manage?” Journal of Common Market Studies,  2009 Volume 47. Number 1. pp. 127-151.
  • Sepos, A. (2005)”The national coordination of EU policy: organisational efficiency and European Outcomes.” European Integration 27(2), pp. 169-190.
  • Slapin, J. (2006) « Who Is powerful? : examining preferences and testing sources of bargaining strength at European Intergovernmental Conferences », European Union Politics, (2006-03) vol.7: n°1, pp.51-76.
  • Steunenberg, B. (1994) “Decision Making under Different Institutional Arrangements: Legislation by the European-Community” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 150(4), 642-669.
  • Susskind, J., Ozawa, C. (1984) “Mediated Negotiation in the Public Sector: The Planner as Mediator” Journal of Planning Education and Research, Aug 1984; vol. 4: pp. 5 – 15.
  • Tallberg, J. (2008) “Bargaining Power in the European Council”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 46, Issue 3, June 2008, pp. 685-708.
  • Tallberg, J. (2003). “The Agenda-Shaping Powers of the EU Council Presidency.” Journal of European Public Policy, 10(1): 1-19.
  • Tallberg, J. (2004) “The Power of the Presidency: Brokerage, Efficiency and Distribution in EU Negotiations”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42, Issue 5, December 2004, pp. 999-1022.
  • Tsebelis, G., Proksch, S. (2007) “The art of political manipulation in the European Convention“, Journal of Common Market Studies, (2007-03) vol.45: n°1, pp.157-186.
  • Tully, J. (2007) “A New Kind of Europe?: Democratic Integration in the European Union Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Volume 10, Number 1, March 2007 , pp. 71-86(16), Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Underdal, A. (1973) “Multinational Negotiation Parties: The Case of the European Community” Cooperation and Conflict, Jan 1973; vol. 8: pp. 173 – 182.
  • Wallace, H. (2002) “The Council: An Institutional Chameleon?” Governance 15, pp.325–344.
  • Westlake, M. (1994) “The Commission and the Parliament: Partners and Rivals in the European Policy-Making Process” London: Butterworths.
  • Whitaker, R. (2005) “National Parties in the European Parliament: An Influence in the Committee System”, European Union Politics 6(1): 5–28.

Négociations commerciales

  • Argomaniz, J. (2009) “When the EU is the ‘Norm-taker’: The Passenger Name Records Agreement and the EU’s Internalization of US Border Security Norms Journal of European Integration, Volume 31, Number 1, January 2009 , pp. 119-136(18), Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Aussilloux, V., Pajot, M. (2002) « L’ALENA est-il discriminatoire à l’encontre des exportations européennes au Mexique ? » Economie internationale, n°89-90, 1er-2e trimestre 2002, p. 315 à 338.
  • Bailer, S. (2004) “Bargaining Success in the European Union: The Impact of Exogenous and Endogenous Power Resources” European Union Politics, March 2004; vol. 5: pp. 99 – 123.
  • Bureau, J. et al. (2002) « La baisse de la protection douanière dans l’Uruguay Round : le cas de l’agriculture dans l’Union européenne, au Canada et aux Etats-Unis » Economie & prévision 2002/3 (no 154) pages 107 à 122.
  • Cadot, O., de Melo, J., Portugal-Perez, A. (2006) “Rules Of Origin For Preferential Trading Arrangements : Implications For The ASEAN Free Trade Area Of EU And U.S. Experience, Research Working papers, December 2006 , pp. 1-31(31), World Bank.
  • Cattaneo, O. (2002) « Comprendre le cycle de négociations commerciales multilatérales de Doha, son contexte, ses enjeux, ses perspectives », Centre d’Etudes et de recherches internationales, Les études du CERI, n°92, décembre 2002.
  • Coquet, B., Daniel, J., Fourmann, E. (1993) «L’Europe et l’Afrique : flux et reflux », Politique africaine, no 49, mars 1993,  p.6.
  • Costa, I., Rehfeldt, U. (2009) « Les CEE et la négociation collective transnationale : les accords européens et mondiaux dans l’automobile » Revue de l’IRES (Paris), (2009) n°61, p.99-127.
  • Damro, C. (2007) “EU Delegation and Agency in International Trade Negotiations: A Cautionary Comparison”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 4, November 2007, pp. 883-903.
  • Damro, C. (2006) “Transatlantic Competition Policy: Domestic and International Sources of EU-US Cooperation” European Journal of International Relations, Jun 2006; vol. 12: pp. 171 – 196.
  • Delpech, R. Paugam, J. (2005) « La politique commerciale de l’Union européenne. Le fédéralisme clandestin » Politique étrangère 2005/4 (Hiver) pages 743 à 754.
  • de Maillard, J. (2002) « La commission, le vin et la réforme » Politique européenne 2002/1 (n° 5) pages 68 à 84.
  • Doctor, M. (2007) “Why Bother With Inter-Regionalism? Negotiations for a European Union-Mercosur Agreement” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 2, June 2007, pp. 281-314.
  • Dür, A. (2008) “Bargaining Power and Trade Liberalization: European External Trade Policies in the 1960s” European Journal of International Relations, Dec 2008; vol. 14: pp. 645 – 669.
  • Dür, A., Zimmermann, H. (2007) “Introduction: The EU in International Trade Negotiations” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 4, November 2007, pp. 771-787.
  • Eising, R., Jabko, N. (2001) “Moving Targets: National Interests and Electricity Liberalization in the European Union” Comparative Political Studies, Sep 2001; vol. 34: pp. 742 – 767.
  • Elgström, O. (2007) “Outsiders’ Perceptions of the European Union in International Trade Negotiations”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 4, November 2007, pp. 949-967.
  • Elgström, O. (2007) “The European Union as a Leader in International Multilateral Negotiations — a Problematic Aspiration? International Relations, Dec 2007; vol. 21: pp. 445 – 458.
  • Forwood, G. (2001) “The Road to Cotonou: Negotiating a Successor to Lomé” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 39, Issue 3, September 2001, pp. 423-442.
  • Frankel, C., Højbjerg, E. (2007) “The constitution of a transnational policy field: negotiating the EU internal market for products” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2007, pp. 96 – 114.
  • Frennhoff Larsén, M. (2007) “Trade Negotiations between the EU and South Africa: A Three-Level Game” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 4, November 2007, pp.857-881.
  • Gaulier, G., Zignago, S. (2002) « La discrimination commerciale révélée comme mesure désagrégée de l’accès au marché », Economie internationale, n°89-90, 1er-2e trimestre 2002, pages 261 à 280.
  • Giegerich, B (2007) “Navigating differences: transatlantic negotiations over Galileo Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 20, Number 3, September 2007 , pp. 491-508(18), Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
  • Goreux, L. (2003) « Le coton en zone franc et les subventions américaines et européennes : avant et après Cancun » Afrique contemporaine 2003/3 (no 207) pages 59 à 70.
  • Hedi Bchir, M., Decreux Y., Guérin, J. (2003) « Accord de libre-échange entre l’Union européenne et le Mercosur: une étude avec le modèle MIRAGE » Économie internationale 94-95 (2003), p. 77-108.
  • Hosli, M. (2000) “The creation of the European economic and monetary union (EMU): intergovernmental negotiations and two-level games” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 7, Issue 5, 2000, pp. 744 – 766.
  • Holmes, P. (2006) “Trade and `domestic’ policies: the European mix, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 13, Number 6, September 2006 , pp. 815-831(17), Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kaelberer, M. (2006) “Book Review: Trading Voices: The European Union in International Commercial Negotiations” Comparative Political Studies, Jun 2006; vol. 39: pp. 673 – 676.
  • Le Theule, F. Litvan, D. (1993) « La réforme de la PAC : analyse d’une négociation communautaire », Revue Française de Science Politique, 43e année, n°5, 1993, p.755 – 787.
  • Ludlow, P. (2007) “The emergence of a commercial heavy-weight : the Kennedy Round negociations and the European Community of the 1960s“,Diplomacy and Statecraft, (2007-06) vol.18: n°2, pp.351-368.
  • Meunier, S. (2007) “Managing Globalization? The EU in International Trade Negotiations” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 4, November 2007, pp. 905-926.
  • Montanari, M. (2007) “The Barcelona Process and the political economy of Euro-Mediterranean trade integration”, Journal of Common Market Studies, (2007-12) vol.45: n°5, p.1011-1040.
  • Niemann, A. (2006) “Beyond Problem-Solving and Bargaining: Genuine Debate in EU External Trade Negotiations, International Negotiation, Volume 11, Number 3, 2006 , pp. 467-497(31), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Niemann, A. (2004) “Between communicative action and strategic action: the Article 113 Committee and the negotiations on the WTO Basic Telecommunications Services Agreement” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2004, pp. 379 – 407.
  • Nuñez, A. (1996) “Acuerdo marco Mercosur y Unión Europea crónica de una negociació”  Archivos del presente, (1996,verano austral) año 1: n°3, p.117-125.
  • Petit, B. (1999) « Les enjeux de la négociation post-Lomé », Revue du Marché commun et de l’Union européenne, (1999-01) n°424, p.10-15.
  • Rant, V., Mrak, M. “The 2007–13 Financial Perspective: Domination of National Interests” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 48, Issue 2, March 2010, pp. 347-372.
  • Reis Castilho, M. (2002) « L’accès des exportations du Mercosur au Marché unique dans la perspective d’un accord de libre-échange » Economie internationale, no 89-90, 1er-2e trimestre 2002, p. 281 à 313.
  • Solomon, R. (1999) “Bargaining with the Strong: New Zealand and Australia’s Bilateral Trade Relations With the United States and the European Union” Political Science, Dec 1999; vol. 51: pp. 149 – 163.
  • Stessens, G. (2008) « Des négociations Europe-Etats-Unis : l’exemple de la convention d’entraide mutuelle » Problèmes politiques et sociaux, no 945, février 2008, p.102.
  • Suwa-Eisenmann, A., Verdier, T. (2002) « L’économie politique des négociations commerciales : le cas des normes techniques » Économie internationale 89-90 (2002), p. 155-171.
  • Szymanski, M., Smith, M. (2005) “Coherence and Conditionality in European Foreign Policy: Negotiating the EU–Mexico Global Agreement”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 43, Issue 1, Date: March 2005, pp. 171-192.
  • Taoufiqi, H. (2008) « La politique commerciale extérieure de l’union européenne : cohérence et intérêts des entreprises » Revue internationale de droit économique 2008/2 (t. XXII, 2) pages 191 à 211.
  • Vallée, T. (2009) « Accords de pêche UE-ACP: le rôle de la compensation financière et des coalitions dans le partage de la rente halieutique » Revue d’économie politique, (2009-09/10) 119e année: n°5, p.727-749.
  • Young, A. (2007) “Trade Politics Ain’t What It Used to Be: The European Union in the Doha Round” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 4, November 2007, pp. 789-811.
  • Zeng, L. (2009) “A Preliminary Perspective of Negotiations of EU-China PCA: A New Bottle Carrying Old Wine or New Wine or Both?” European Law Journal, Volume 15, Number 1, January 2009 , pp. 121-141(21) Blackwell Publishing.
  • Zimmermann, H. (2007) “Realist Power Europe? The EU in the Negotiations about China’s and Russia’s WTO Accession” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 45, Issue 4, November 2007, pp. 813-832.
  • Woll, C. (2005) « Vers des compétences externes : l’activisme de la commission européenne en matière d’aviation internationale » Politique européenne 2005/3 (n° 17) pages 137 à 158.

Négociations environnementales

  • Acreman, M., Ferguson, A. (2010) “Environmental flows and the European Water Framework Directive”,  Freshwater Biology, Volume 55, Number 1, January 2010 , pp. 32-48 (17), Blackwell Publishing.
  • Aguilar Fernández, S. (2003) “Spanish Coordination In The European Union: The Case of the Habitats Directive” Administration & Society, Jan 2003; vol. 34: pp. 678 – 699.
  • Albrecht, J., Arts, B. (2005) “Climate policy convergence in Europe: an assessment based on National Communications to the UNFCCC” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 12, Issue 5, 2005, pp. 885 – 902.
  • Bailey, I., Maresh, S. (2009) “Scales and networks of neoliberal climate governance: the regulatory and territorial logics of European Union emissions trading Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 34, Number 4, October 2009 , pp. 445-461(17), Blackwell Publishing.
  • Biermann, F. (2005) “Between the USA and the South: strategic choices for European climate policyClimate Policy, Volume 5, Number 3, 2005 , pp. 273-290(18), Earthscan.
  • Blainey, M. (2007) “REACH – a Reality and the Future”, Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, Volume 4, Number 2, 2007 , pp. 149-160(12), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Blainey, M., Hansen, B. (2006) “REACH – an Update”, Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, Volume 3, Number 5, 2006 , pp. 446-453(8), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Boemare, C. et al. (2005) « Des difficultés de l’analyse économique à appréhender les négociations sur les problèmes environnementaux globaux » Négociations 2005/2 (no 4), pages 35 à 52.
  • Bréchet, T., Eyckmans, J. Gerard, F., Marbaix, P., Tulkens, H., Van Ypersele, P. (2010) “The impact of the unilateral EU commitment on the stability of international climate agreements Climate Policy, Volume 10, Number 2, 2010 , pp. 148-166(19) Earthscan.
  • Busch, P., Jörgens, H. (2005) “The international sources of policy convergence: explaining the spread of environmental policy innovations” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 12, Issue 5, 2005, pp. 860 – 884.
  • Courtois, P., Tazdaït, T. (2007) « Formation et développement des accords environnementaux internationaux : les effets de leadership » Négociations 2007/2,  n° 8 ,  pages 121 à 137.
  •  Delreux, T. (2009)” The EU in Environmental Negotiations in UNECE: An Analysis of its Role in the Aarhus Convention and the SEA Protocol Negotiations Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), Volume 18, Number 3, November 2009 , pp. 328-337(10), Blackwell Publishing.
  • Delreux, T. (2008) “The EU as a negotiator in multilateral chemicals negotiations: multiple principals, different agents” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 15, Issue 7,  2008, pp. 1069 – 1086.
  • Delreux, T. (2009)”Cooperation and Control in the European Union: The Case of the European Union as International Environmental Negotiator” Cooperation and Conflict, Jun 2009; vol. 44: pp. 189 – 208.
  • Delreux,  T. (2009) “The EU negotiates multilateral environmental agreements: explaining the agent’s discretion” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 16, Issue 5, 2009, pp. 719 – 737.
  • Dieckmann, M. (2007) “The Revised EC Regulation on Shipments of Waste: an Overview”, Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, Volume 4, Number 1, 2007 , pp. 37-46(10), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Falkner, R. (2007) “The political economy of ‘normative power’ Europe: EU environmental leadership in international biotechnology regulation” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 14, Issue 4, 2007, pp. 507 – 526.
  • Knill, C., Tosun, J., Heichel, S. (2008) “Balancing competitiveness and conditionality: environmental policy-making in low-regulating countries” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 15, Issue 7, 2008, pp. 1019 – 1040.
  • Gasparinetti, M., Van den Hout, D. (2006) “Revising the EU Air Quality Legislation: Experiences and Proposed Improvements, Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, Volume 3, Number 4, 2006 , pp. 292-299(8), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Glachant, M. (2008) « L’effet du Lobbying sur les Instruments de la Politique Environnementale » Revue d’économie politique 2008/5 (Volume 118).
  • Hourcade, J. (2003) « L’économie des régimes climatiques l’impossible coordination ? », Revue d’économie politique 2003/4 (Volume 113) pages 455 à 475.
  • Kambia-Chopin, B. (2007) « Règles de responsabilité civile et prévention des risques environnementaux » Revue d’économie politique 2007/2 (Volume 117).
  • Liefferink, D., Arts, B., Kamstra, J., Ooijevaar, J.  (2009) “Leaders and laggards in environmental policy: a quantitative analysis of domestic policy outputs” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 16, Issue 5, 2009, pp. 677 – 700.
  • Ouharon, A. (2002) « Les négociations sur le climat : un bref retour sur l’histoire » Flux 2002/2-3 (n°48-49) pages 100 à 106.
  • Philibert, C. (2003) « Prix versus quantités taxes ou permis contre le changement climatique », Revue d’économie politique 2003/4 (Volume 113), p. 439-453.
  • Rhinard, M., Kaeding, M. (2006)”The International Bargaining Power of the European Union in ‘Mixed’ Competence Negotiations: The Case of the 2000 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety” Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 44, Issue 5, December 2006, pp. 1023-1050.
  • Utsumi, T., Gang, P. (2009) “Environmental gaming simulation network International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Volume 1, Number 4, 2009 , pp. 350-363(14).
  • Vogler, J. (2009) “Climate change and EU foreign policy: The negotiation of burden sharing International Politics, Volume 46, Number 4, July 2009 , pp. 469-490(22), Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Weidner, H., Mez, L. (2008) “German Climate Change Policy: A Success Story With Some Flaws” The Journal of Environment & Development, Dec 2008; vol. 17: pp. 356 – 378.

Négociations sur l’élargissement

  • Assemblée Nationale (2008) « Rapport d’information déposé par la commission chargée des affaires européennes, sur le processus de réforme et d’adhésion à l’Union européenne de la Turquie » Collection : Documents d’Information de l’Assemblée nationale, N° dans la collection : 94/2008.
  • Aybet, G. (2006) “Turkey and the EU After the First Year of Negotiations: Reconciling Internal and External Policy Challenges” Security Dialogue, Dec 2006; vol. 37: pp. 529 – 549.
  • Bertrand, G. (2009) « Le fiasco chypriote, mauvais signe pour l’élargissement de l’Union européenne à la Turquie et aux Etats ouest-balkaniques » Politique européenne 2009/3 (n° 29) p. 103-123.
  • Bertrand, G. (2001) « L’adhésion de Chypre à l’Union européenne: un déblocage du conflit par le bas ?» Politique européenne, (2001-01) n°3, p.118-136.
  • Brücker, H., Schröder, P., Weise, C. (2004) “Doorkeepers and gatecrashers : EU enlargement and negociation strategies “,Revue d’intégration européenne, (2004-03) vol.26: n°1, p.3-23.
  • Camyar, I. (2009) “On temporal determinants of European Union enlargement: The case of Turkey’s accession” Comparative European Politics 7, 10 June 2009, pp. 233-254.
  • Carasso, G. (2007) « La Communauté européenne face au rejet helvétique de l’Espace économique européen et à l’avenir de ses relations avec la Suisse (1992-1993) » Relations internationales 2007/2 (n° 130), pages 111 à 133.
  • Casier, M. (2010)”Turkey’s Kurds and the Quest for Recognition: Transnational Politics and the EU—Turkey accession negotiations” Ethnicities, Mar 2010; vol. 10: pp. 3 – 25.
  • d’Haussonville, J. (2003) « Le processus d’adhésion : cet élargissement est-il le mieux préparé dans l’histoire de l’Union ? » Pouvoirs 2003/3 (n° 106) pages 5 à 39.
  • de Lobkowicz, W. (2009) « La sécurité intérieure à l’épreuve de l’élargissement de l’Union européenne » Revue française d’administration publique 2009/1 (n° 129) pages 99 à 112.
  • Dora, S. (1997) “Eastern Europe and the European Union: the Accession Negotiations” International Relations, Dec 1997; vol. 13: pp. 55 – 59.
  • Finke, D. (2009)Estimating the Effect of Nonseparable Preferences in Eu Treaty Negotiations” Journal of Theoretical Politics, Oct 2009; vol. 21: pp. 543 – 569.
  • Friis, L. (1998) “…And Then They Were 15: The EU’s EFTA-Enlargement Negotiations” Cooperation and Conflict, Mar 1998; vol. 33: pp. 81 – 107.
  • Friis, L. (1998) “Approaching the “third half” of EU grand bargaining : the post-negotiation phase of the Europe Agreement game”, Journal of European Public Policy, (1998-06) vol.5: n°2, p.322-338.
  • Goulard, S. (2005) « Adhésion turque : la fuite en avant continue » Politique étrangère 2005/2 (Été) pages 423 à 437.
  • Granell, F. (1995)”The European Union’s Enlargement Negotiations with Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, March 1995, pp. 117-141.
  • Hallett, T. (2009)”Behind Closed Doors: The EU Negotiations that Shaped Modern Ireland – By P. Brennan”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 47, Issue 2, March 2009, pp. 439-439.
  • Heimerl, D. (2003) « Copenhague acte II  Le nouveau défi européen » Le Courrier des pays de l’Est 2003/1 (n° 1031) pages 8 à 19.
  • Hughes, G. (2001) “Book Review: David Hannayn (ed.), Britain’s Entry into the European Community: Sir Con O’Neill’s Report on the Negotiations for Britain’s Entry into the European Community, 1970-1972 (London: Whitehall History Publishing and Frank Cass) Millennium – Journal of International Studies, Jun 2001; vol. 30: pp. 428 – 429.
  • Jensen, M., Lind, K., Zobbe, H. (2009)” Enlargement of the European Union and Agricultural Policy Reform Journal of European Integration, Volume 31, Number 3, May 2009 , pp. 329-348(20), Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kafyeke, C. (2006) « L’adhésion de la Turquie à l’Union européenne : enjeux et état du débat » Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 2006/28-29 (n° 1933-1934) pages 5 à 70.
  • Karakas, C. (2009) « UE-Turquie L’hypothèse de l’intégration graduelle » Politique étrangère 2006/3 (Automne) pages 663 à 673.
  • Kemming, J., Sandikci, Ö. (2007) “Turkey’s EU accession as a question of nation brand image”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Volume 3, Number 1, January 2007 , pp. 31-41(11), Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lapeyre, J. (1996) “First round of European negotiations on a key issue for equal opportunities and equal treatment” Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, Feb 1996; vol. 2: pp. 121 – 124.
  • Lhomel, E. (2007) « L’Est et l’Union européenne » Le Courrier des pays de l’Est 2007/3 (n° 1061) pages 89 à 92.
  • Marcou, J. (2009) « Les deux Europe Bruxelles à l’épreuve de la candidature de la Turquie à l’UE : opinions et stratégies » Politique européenne 2009/3 (n° 29) p. 25-46.
  • Milzow, K. (2008) « L’élargissement vers l’est de l’Union européenne : négociations et marchandages entre les Quinze » Relations internationales, no 136, 4, 2008,  p.73-90.
  • Neophytos, G. Loizides (2002) “Greek-turkish Dilemmas and the Cyprus EU Accession Process” Security Dialogue, Dec 2002; vol. 33: pp. 429 – 442.
  • Neumayer, L. (2003) « L’européanisation indirecte des pays candidats à l’adhésion à l’Union Européenne : le cas des politiques publiques de concurrence en Pologne et en République Tchèque » Politique européenne 2003/2 (n° 10) pages 121 à 147.
  • Neumayer, L. (2002) « L’agenda des négociations, les stratégies d’adhésion et la situation fin 2001 » Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, vol 33, no 3, septembre 2002, p. 45.
  • Pahre, R., Uçaray-Mangitli, B. (2009)”The Myths of Turkish Influence in the European Union”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 47, Issue 2, March 2009, pp.357-384.
  • Ragaru, N. (2003) « La Bulgarie et la Roumanie aux portes de l’Union européenne : un si long espoir » Pouvoirs 2003/3 (n° 106) pages 99 à 113.
  • Raik, K. (2002) “Bureaucratization or Strengthening of the Political? : Estonian Institutions and Integration into the European Union” Cooperation and Conflict, Jun 2002; vol. 37: pp. 137 – 156.
  • Ramming, S. (2008) “Cyprus’s Accession Negotiations to the European Union: Conditional Carrots, Good Faith, and Miscalculations” International Negotiation, Volume 13, Number 3, 2008 , pp. 365-386(22), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Schmid, D. (2010) « De l’élargissement à l’éloignement : la Turquie veut-elle toujours adhérer à l’Union européenne ? » Politique étrangère 2010/1 (Printemps) pages 13 à 24.
  • Schimmelfennig, F., Engert, S, Knobel, H. (2003) “Costs, commitment and compliance : the impact of EU democratic conditionality on Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey“, Journal of Common Market Studies, (2003-06) vol.41: n°3, p.495-518.
  • Settembrini, P. (2007) “The surgery succeeded. Has the patient died? The impact of enlargement on the European Union”, Jean Monnet Working Paper 04/07, NYU School of Law, New York.
  • Schneider, G., Finke, D, Baltz, K. (2007) “With a little help from the state: interest intermediation in the domestic pre-negotiations of EU legislation” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2007, pp. 444 – 459.
  • Smith, M. (2000) “Negotiating new Europes: the roles of the European Union” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 7, Issue 5, 2000, pp. 806 – 822.
  • Smolinski, R. (2008) “How Was the Fifth European Union Enlargement Actually Negotiated? A Comparative Analysis of Selected TraitsInternational Negotiation, Volume 13, Number 2, 2008, pp. 247-283 (37), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Verheijen, T. (2002) « Les critères administratifs de l’adhésion à l’Union européenne: sont-ils voués au placard ? » Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, vol 33, no 3, septembre 2002, p.79.
  • Whitehead, L. (2001) « L’élargissement de l’Union européenne : une voie risquée de promotion de la démocratie » Revue internationale de politique comparée 2001/2,  Volume 8,   pages 305 à 332.

Négociations sur les relations extérieures

  • Andreani, G., Bertram, C., Grant, C. (2001) “Europe’s military revolution” Defenceinsides, 14/02/01, pp. 1-86.
  • Batora, J. (2005) “Does the European Union Transform the Institution of Diplomacy” ARENA Working Papers WP 03/6, pp. 1-30, Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 44 – 66.
  • Bensidoun, I., Chevallier, A. (1993) «Europe-Méditerranée : fractures et rapprochement », Politique africaine, no 49, mars 1993, p.47.
  • Berdat, C. (2007) « L’avènement de la politique méditerranéenne globale de la CEE » Relations internationales 2007/2 (n° 130), pages 87 à 109.
  • Billiet, S. (2009)“Principal–agent analysis and the study of the EU: What about the EC’s external relations?” Comparative European Politics 7, 18 November 2009, pp. 435-454.
  • Buchet de Neuilly, Y. (2002) « L’irrésistible ascension du haut représentant pour la PESC : une solution institutionnelle dans une pluralité d’espaces d’action européens » Politique européenne 2002/4,  n° 8,  pages 13 à 31.
  • Bagayoko-Penone, N. (2006) « L’européanisation des militaires français. Socialisation institutionnelle et culture stratégique » Revue française de science politique 2006/1 (Vol. 56) pages 49 à 77.
  • Bruter, M. (1999) “Diplomacy Without a State: The External Delegations of the European Commission” Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 6, No 2, pp. 183-205.
  • Crowe, B. (2008) “The European External Action Service Roadmap for Success” Chatham House, 2008.
  • D’Argenson, P. (2010) « Les enjeux de la création du service diplomatique européen »  Politique étrangère, Printemps, 1, 2010,  p.125-134.
  • Davis Cross, M. K. (2007) “The European Diplomatic Corps: Diplomats and International Cooperation from Westphalia to Maastricht” Comparative Political Studies, New York: Palgrave.
  • David, F. (2008) « L’administration Eisenhower, l’Europe et le Conseil de l’Atlantique Nord, comme instance de négociation : autorité politique occidentale ou forum consultatif ? » Relations internationales, 2008/4 (n° 136), pages 3 à 20.
  • Elgström, O. (2000) “Norm negotiations. The construction of new norms regarding gender and development in EU foreign aid policy” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2000, pp. 457 – 476
  • Duke, S. (2009) “Providing for European-Level Diplomacy after Lisbon: The Case of the European External Action Service” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 4 pp.211-233.
  • Duke, S., (2008) “The European Commission inside and out, Administering EU Foreign Policy after Lisbon: the case of the EEAS” Paper prepared for the EU-Consent Workshop, Edinburgh, 15-16 May.
  • Elgström, O. (2000) “Norm negotiations. The construction of new norms regarding gender and development in EU foreign aid policy” Journal of European Public Policy, 1466-4429, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2000, pp. 457 – 476.
  • Faleg, G. (2008) “Towards a hide-and-seek diplomacy? European External Action Service’s tough job within the new CFSP framework” University of Strasbourg, Manchester, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Postgraduate Conference, 25 janvier.
  • Fernandez Sola, N. (2009) “The European Union’s External Action Service” Elcano Royal Institute, Madrid, Espagne, Area: Europe, Working Paper 46/2008 (Translated from Spanish), 19 mai.
  • Garcia-Escribano, M. (2005) « La création du service diplomatique européen »Mémoire ENA, février.
  • Grevi, G. (Ed. et al.), (2007) “The EU Foreign Service: how to build a more effective common policy” EPC working paper No.28, novembre.
  • Grevi, G. Cameron, F. (2005) “Towards an EU Foreign Service” European Policy Centre, paper n° 29, 10 avril.
  • Güssgen, F. (2002) “The missing link: the non-europeanization of foreign services” Harmattan, Politique européenne, 2002- n° 8, pages 109 à 129.
  • Herrberg, A. (2008) “Perceptions of International Peace Mediation in the EU, A Needs Analysis”  Initiative for Peace building, Perceptions of International Peace Mediation in the EU, November.
  • Herrberg, A., Kumpulainen, H. (2008) “The Private Diplomacy Survey 2008, Mapping of 14 Private Diplomacy Actors in Europe and America” Crisis Management Initiative, November.
  • Hocking, B., Batora, J. (2009) “Diplomacy and the European Union” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Volume 4, Number 2, September, pp. 113-120(8).
  • Hocking, B. Spence, D. (2002) “Integrating Diplomats: EU Foreign Ministries” (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Holland, M. (2004), “Common Foreign and Security Policy: the first ten years”, (London: Continuum).
  • Jørgensen, K. (2009) “The European Union in Multilateral Diplomacy”, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Volume 4, Number 2, September 2009 , pp. 189-209(21), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Keukeleire, S., Thiers, R., Justaert, A. (2009) “Reappraising Diplomacy: Structural Diplomacy and the Case of the European Union The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Volume 4, Number 2, September 2009 , pp. 143-165(23), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, an imprint of Brill.
  • Lieb, J., Kremer, M. (2010) “Empowering EU diplomacy, The European External Action Service as an opportunity for EU foreign policy”, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Comments 2, février.
  • Maurer, A., Reichel, S. (2005) “A three-phase plan for the European External Action Service”, in The International Spectator, 1/2005.
  • Monar, J. (2000) “The Case for a European Diplomatic Academy” European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 5/3, forthcoming, 17th July 2000.
  • Neznamova, N. (2006) « Does the European Union need a common diplomatic service? » Centre International de Formation Européenne, Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, 2006/2007.
  • Rayner, L. (2005) “The EU Foreign Ministry and Union Embassies”, The Foreign Policy Centre, June.
  • Schwok, R. (1999) « Les accords sectoriels Union européenne-Suisse : une nouvelle forme de flexibilité dans la dimension extérieure de l’UE » Revue du Marché commun et de l’Union européenne, (1999-10) n°432, p.613-619.
  • Spence, D. (2009) “Taking Stock: 50 Years of European Diplomacy” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 4, pp. 235-259.
  • Spence, D. (2004) “The European Commission’s External Service” Public Policy and Administration, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 61-76.
  • Stavridis, S., Fernandez Sola, N. (2005) “Conceptualizing the EU as an international actor after enlargement, constitutionalization and militarization”, University of Zaragoza´s Doctoral Programme on the European Union Working Papers Series, Zaragoza, 17.05.05, pp. 32.
  • Thomas, D. (2009) “The negotiation of EU foreign policy” International Politics (The Hague), 2009-07, vol.46:n°4, pp 335-504.
  • Thurner, P., Pappi, F. (2006) “Domestic and International Politics during an EU Intergovernmental Conference: Bridging the Gap between Negotiation Theory and Practice” Negotiation Journal, Volume 22, Number 2, April 2006, pp. 167-186(20) Blackwell Publishing.
  • Wenzlaff, K. “The future Foreign Service of the EU compared with the Diplomatic Service in the Member States” Service comparative Tables.
  • Wessels, W. (2005) « La voie d’une puissance européenne ou bien cosmétique intergouvernementale? Les dispositions du Traité constitutionnel sur la PESC », in Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales, Volume VI.
  • Whitman, R. (Ed. et al.) (2009) “A More Coherent and Effective European Foreign Policy?” The Federal Trust for Education & Research.
  • Wouters, J., Coppens, D. (2005) “A global actor in the making? Reforming the EU’s external relations machinery with or without the Constitution” Institute for International Law, K.U. Leuven, Working, Paper n° 79, juin.